Day 29 : Believe

in yourself
in your big dreams
in those words
that may seem extreme
in your hardwork to succeed
in your intentions
to fulfill the need
in those naive aspirations
to do good deed
in your goodwill
in your strength
in the faith
without calling it names
that’ll just ignite flames
in the tide
that will bring you sail
in hope, it’ll not let you fail
that to start,
it’s never too late
in your path
in magic
in smiles
and in passing it a mile
‘Cause without it
what’s life?

Day 21 Patience

Today’s highlight was the news that told us the 21 days lockdown would extend for 19 days more. It’s without a doubt for all our best, for our country’s safety and all that for sure, but let’s not talk about the serious stuff out there. I’m sure everyone is stressed out already one way or the other. The ones safe in the house, we sure are complaining about the boredom and how we are not getting to go out and live the life that we want to. I guess that is okay. We aren’t out there facing the deadly virus, as grateful as we are and should be for that, we can’t deny the possibility of mind taking over and gobbling up the joy. These times were unimaginable two months ago. But it shall pass. And hopefully from now on, we all will be more appreciative of things in our lives, of people most of all.

It’s weird times. If we are with our family, we are missing out friends. If we are with our friends, we are missing our family. Is it a human nature to always look for what we donot have? Does it take effort to be present and notice the little joys we have been blessed with? May be it does. I am here with family yet I constantly spend time thinking what my friends would be doing or oh how nice would it be to be there. I’m sure my friends will be thinking, oh I miss home food. I miss the pampering. Why are we always there where we are not? Why do we long for things that’s far and difficult to attain at the moment? If you are around family, think of ways to make it the best times of your lives. Ask questions, dig in for stories, bring laughter, watch movies together, movies of old generations and see how the elder’s face lights up, sit and have random conversations, tell about your friends and how things have changed. Open up more and I’m sure you will find friends in family within the four walls. If you are stuck with your friends, have you ever thought how would it be to have gotten stranded alone in this lockdown? Have you tried cooking together, sitting silently in the balcony with phones aside and just being there and talking to eachother, getting a little vulnerable and being ok with friends seeing that side of you, and then you have your family there among friends within the same four walls.

May be these times are here to teach us a lot of things. Instead of just letting them pass without any meaning and counting days for it to end, if possible try taking sometime out to contemplate. Because once we get busy with our lives again, which I’m sure we will because we are always in a hurry to reach places, go somewhere, do something, that we often forget to stop by and look around to just be. I’m sure we all will be more grateful for the freedom that we had and will have from now on. The trips we take, the moments we share, the people we meet, everything will be more special. As long as we donot forget these days and move on as if it was just some movie with a bad write up that we watched.

Stay safe. Feel blessed. Good days right around the corner 🙂

Day 14 : Moon clouds and I

Everyday is different. Yesterday was damn good. Today wasn’t great, infact it kinda just sucked. Mood swings are a strange thing to deal with may be, especially when the mind has to be contained in the 4 walls while it already is in a closed space itself. For sure closed space gives a lot of time to put up an analysis, while personification is a stealthy way to put out the same. Here’s some..

Photo Credits: Ritu Sriram

The sky wasn’t clear, nor was the moon
The clouds around surrounded it too soon
Sooner than my visit to the balcony to say helloo
Hey how are you doing follow?!

It was late by then, I looked for it here and there
It could have gone anywhere
But it waited for me to see that I had gotten late
To make me realize that’s today’s fate

Finally I could see it behind the clouds
Moon shines bright with no bounds
Though it was a blur, full of beauty it was
I could even see it from far

Could it see beyond those close clouds too?
Was I a blur?
Or were clouds too close to blind the moon
to see where two were, to not see the special over stir?

Even with all the blur, moon wasn’t dull
the persona still shined like a crystal
Though there was temporary dismal
I knew, clouds pass, this too will.

The clouds couldn’t quite manage to break them apart
Is it a matter of time? Or is it art?
May be it’s all the heart
it’s about everyday, not just the start.

So hoping the moon sees beyond the clouds in front
looking for those who are currently distant
They see the moon blurred yet pleasant
because they love it even in those silent moments..